Sunday, 11 October 2015

Online MBA Certified Program in Organizational Behaviour

Certificate in Organizational Behaviour

Program Objective :

This course introduces the student to multidisciplinary approaches to human behaviour in organizational settings. Attention will be paid to both public and private sector organizations. A variety of issues will be examined from the perspective of the manager as well as those of the worker, the client and the citizen. To provide an overview of the influential theoretical perspectives and research findings in the field of organizational behaviour; To offer a set of conceptual frameworks, methodological approaches, and analytical skills which are useful in increasing our understanding of human behaviour in organizations.

Topics Covered:
Nature and Importance of Organisational Behaviour
The Emerging Challenges
Approaches to Organisational Behaviour
Foundations of Individual Behaviour
Perception and Individual Decision Making
Ethics and social Responsibilities
Values, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction
Learning and Behaviour Modification
Basic Motivation Concepts
Job Design, Employee Participation and Alternative Work Arrangements
Contemporary Issues in Leadership
Foundations of Organisation Structures
Human Resource Policies and Practises

Online MBA Certified Program in Research Methodology

Certificate in Research Methodology

Program Objective :

This course introduces students to a number of research methods useful for academic and professional investigations of information practices, texts and technologies. By examining the applications, strengths and major criticisms of methodologies drawn from both the qualitative and quantitative traditions, this course permits an understanding of the various decisions and steps involved in crafting (and executing) a research methodology, as well as a critically informed assessment of published research.

Topics Covered:

Research Fundamentals and Terminology
Importance of Research in Management Decisions
Defining Research Problems and Formulation of Hypothesis
Research Design
Methods and Techniques of Data Collection
Sampling and Sampling Distribution
Attitude Measurement and Scales
Data Preparation and Preliminary Analysis
Statistical Analysis and Interpretation of Data: Non -parametic Tests
Multivariate Analysis of Data
Model Building and Decision Making
Statistical Tests in Management Research
Computer Aided Research

Online MBA Certified Program in Management Information Systems

Online MBA Certified Program in Management Information Systems

Program Objective :

The main objective of this course is to provide an overall understanding of the main concepts of information systems, and to highlight the importance of information systems in modern organizations and societies. It covers a range of topics including: Information, data, and system concepts; information requirements in modern organizations and businesses.

Topics Covered:

Overview of Management, Organisation and Systems
Management Information Systems
Office Automation
Fundamentals of Computers
Prominent Information Systems
Communication Concepts and Networking
Project Planning, Analysis and Design of MIS 290
Database Management
Typical Information Systems
Case Studies

Online MBA Certified Program in Certificate in Economics

Online MBA Certified Program in Certificate in Economics

Program Objective :

This course’s objective is to give insight into how markets function. The decisions made by individual managers and consumers generate the fundamentals of market supply and demand, governing the prices and quantities sold in all economic transactions. As a manager seeking to maximize firm value, understanding your market(s) is crucial to achieving your goals.

Topics Covered:

Introduction to Micro Economics
Demand and Supply
Market Structures, Cost & Revenues
Credit Creation and the Banking Sector
Financial Institutions
Capital Investments
Macro economics
International Trade

Online MBA Certified Program in Management Principles and Practices

Online MBA Certified Program in Certificate in Management Principles and Practices

Program Objective :

This course provides a basic framework for understanding the role and functions of a manager and to explain the principles, concepts, and techniques that can be used in carrying out these functions. It is intended for those who presently hold, or desire to hold, management responsibilities in any organization or enterprise. Specific topics include planning, decision making, organizing, leading, controlling, and innovating.

Topics Covered:

Conceptual Framework of anagement
Evolution and Foundations of Management Theories
Management Planning Process
Organisation: Meaning, Importance, Principles and Types
Types of an Organisation
Organisation Structure and Designs
Types of Authority
Delegation of Authority
Management by Objectives
Dimensions of Managerial Excellence

Online MBA Program in Accounting

Online MBA Program Certificate in Accounting

Program Objective :

This course emphasizes the use of accounting information for internal planning and control purposes. The course is intended as an introduction for individuals who make business decisions and evaluate the performance of business units using data obtained from the accounting system. The course covers the vocabulary and mechanics of cost accounting, basic issues involved in the design of a cost accounting system, and the role of management accounting in decisions concerning resource allocation and performance evaluation.

Topics Covered:

Introduction to Accounts
Recording Transactions
Accounting Fundamentals: Ledger Accounts & Double Entry
Preparing P&L Account and Balance Sheet
Fixed Assets
Accrual and Prepayments
Company Accounts
Cash Flow Statements
Interpreting Financial Statements

Online MBA Certified Program in Business Communication

Online MBA Certified Program in Business Communication

Program Objective :

This course will prepare you to write and communicate with grace, verve, and efficiency while managing the demands of the business world. A general knowledge of the basic theories of human communication in rhetorical, group, and interpersonal settings.  A basic understanding of the principles and techniques of persuasion in interpersonal, group, and public speaking contexts.
An ability to successfully apply the above knowledge in actual small group, interviewing,
business, public speaking, and interpersonal situations. The ability to write well-worded and
persuasive resumes and other business communication.

Topics Covered:

Nature and Scope of Business Communication        
Channels, Networks, Forms and Dimensions of Communication                    
Oral and Written Communication
Non- Verbal Communication  
Barriers to Communication    
Principles of Effective Communication                  
Gateways to Communication  
Media and Modes of Communication
Reading Skills                        
Listening Skills              
Presentation Skills              
Public Speaking Skills            
Negotiation Skills                      
Meetings and Conferences    
Business Letters            
Enquiries and Replies                
Orders and Replies                  
Circulars, Notices and Memos
Report Writing : Business Reports
Academic Report Writing